Shark attack at Near Rey Island Las Perlas archipelago, Gulf of Panama (Pacific Ocean), Pamama

Shark attack details: Near Rey Island Las Perlas archipelago, Gulf of Panama (Pacific Ocean), 04-May-1944
Date of attack: May 4th 1944
Location: Near Rey Island Las Perlas archipelago, Gulf of Panama (Pacific Ocean)
Shark species: 2.4 m [8'] Great white shark
Name of victim: US Naval seaman, one of a crew on a Panama Sea Frontier Naval Patrol craft manned by Coast Guard
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Washed overboard by swell
Injury: FATAL. His back was bitten as he was being towed to ship by rescuer, Lieut (j.g.) Stanley Kurta, then the shark pulled him below the surface.

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2.4 m [8'] white shark 2.4 m [8'] Great white shark


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