Shark attack at Stretto di Messina, Sicily, Italy

Shark attack details: Stretto di Messina, Sicily, Jun-1967
Date of attack: June 1st 1967
Location: Stretto di Messina, Sicily
Shark species: 4 to 5 m [13' to 16.5'] Great white shark
Name of victim:
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Fishing boat
Injury: No injury to occupants, harpooned shark sank boat PROVOKED INCIDENT

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4 to 5 m [13' to 16.5'] white shark 4 to 5 m [13' to 16.5'] Great white shark


Attacks by region

Attacks by location

  • Genoa (3)
  • Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba (2)
  • Stretto di Messina (2)