Shark attack at 12 miles off Senigallia (Adriatic Sea), Marches region, Italy

Shark attack details: 12 miles off Senigallia (Adriatic Sea), Marches region, 27-Aug-1998
Date of attack: August 27th 1998
Location: 12 miles off Senigallia (Adriatic Sea), Marches region
Shark species: Said to involve a 6 m [20'] Great white shark
Name of victim: 30' cabin cruiser owned by Stefano Catalani
Age of victim: N/A years old
Sex of victim:
Activity: Fishing
Injury: No injury; no attack, shark ate the bait hanging over the side of the boat

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Map showing shark attack location and nearby incidents

Nearby shark attacks

Said to involve a 6 m [20'] white shark Said to involve a 6 m [20'] Great white shark


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  • Stretto di Messina (2)
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