Shark attack at , Praslin Island, Seychelles

Shark attack details: , Praslin Island, 02-Mar-23
Date of attack: March 2nd 2023
Location: , Praslin Island
Shark species: Lemon shark
Name of victim: Arthur ?
Age of victim: 6 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Snorkeling
Injury: Left foot bitten

Six-Year-Old Boy Bitten by Lemon Shark in Seychelles

On 2 March 2023, six-year-old Arthur from France was snorkeling in shallow water at Grande Sœur, Seychelles, when a lemon shark suddenly bit his foot.

His family quickly got him to shore, where his wound was bandaged before he was transported to a doctor. He was later flown to Necker Hospital in Paris for further treatment.

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