Shark attack at near Ahvaz, 275 km from the sea, Karun River, Iran

Shark attack details: near Ahvaz, 275 km from the sea, Karun River, Apr-1953
Date of attack: April 1st 1953
Location: near Ahvaz, 275 km from the sea, Karun River
Shark species: 1.5 m [5'] shark, probable Bull shark
Name of victim: Mr. Nasser Seemrookh
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Swimming in midriver near sewage outlet & 400 m from a slaughterhouse
Injury: Right forearm severed at the elbow

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1.5 m [5'] shark, probable bull shark 1.5 m [5'] shark, probable Bull shark


Attacks by region

Attacks by location

  • Ahvaz, on the Karun River (11)
  • Bashamir (3)
  • Hesamabad area of Shushtar, 420 km from the sea (2)
  • near Ahvaz, 275 km from the sea (2)