Shark attack at Samarai Island (south end), Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea

Shark attack details: Samarai Island (south end), Milne Bay Province, 26-Dec-1956
Date of attack: December 26th 1956
Location: Samarai Island (south end), Milne Bay Province
Shark species: 2.4 m [8'] Tiger shark caught 40 hours later with shorts of the boy in its gut
Name of victim: Patterson (John) Nikuniko
Age of victim: 19 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Spearfishing
Injury: FATAL, left leg severed at hip, left torso removed

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2.4 m [8'] tiger shark caught 40 hours later with shorts of the boy in its gut 2.4 m [8'] Tiger shark caught 40 hours later with shorts of the boy in its gut

Papua New Guinea

Attacks by region

Attacks by location

  • Taludig (3)
  • Long Island near Madang, about 500 km (310 miles) north of the South Pacific nation's capital of Port Moresby (3)
  • Port Moresby (3)
  • Madang (3)
  • Brooker Island , Calvados Chain (2)
  • Hula (2)
  • East Nakanai, Talasea (2)
  • Manus Island (2)
  • Singour, 60 miles south of Madang (2)