Shark attack at Boa Viagem Beach, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

Shark attack details: Boa Viagem Beach, Recife, Pernambuco, 26-Dec-1999
Date of attack: December 26th 1999
Location: Boa Viagem Beach, Recife, Pernambuco
Shark species: Thought to involve a white, bull or Tiger shark
Name of victim: Alton Cicero da Silva
Age of victim: 18 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Surfing
Injury: Leg bitten, surgically amputated

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Nearby shark attacks

Thought to involve a white, bull or tiger shark Thought to involve a white, bull or Tiger shark


Attacks by region

Attacks by location

  • Boa Viagem, Recife (14)
  • Piedade (14)
  • Boa Viagem Beach, Recife (10)
  • Piedade Beach, Recife (6)
  • Piedade Beach (4)
  • Piedade, Recife (4)
  • Paiva (4)
  • Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janiero (4)
  • Barra de Jangada (2)
  • Praia da Marcela, S (2)