Shark attack at South Neptune Island, South Australia, Australia

Shark attack details: South Neptune Island, South Australia, 28-Jun-1998
Date of attack: June 28th 1998
Location: South Neptune Island, South Australia
Shark species: Thought to involve a 5.5 m Great white shark named Kong
Name of victim: Doug Chesser
Age of victim: 26 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Free diving for abalone
Injury: FATAL, left thigh and lower leg severely injured

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Nearby shark attacks

Thought to involve a 5.5 m white shark named Kong Thought to involve a 5.5 m Great white shark named Kong


Attacks by region

Attacks by location

  • Sydney Harbor (10)
  • Sydney (10)
  • Near Thursday Island (9)
  • Brisbane River (9)
  • Moreton Bay (8)
  • Newcastle (8)
  • Coogee (7)
  • Ross River, Townsville (7)
  • Bondi (7)
  • Thursday Island (7)