Shark attack at Ile de Saint Simon, Glynn County, Georgia, Usa

Shark attack details: Ile de Saint Simon, Glynn County, Georgia, 03-May-22
Date of attack: May 3rd 2022
Location: Ile de Saint Simon, Glynn County, Georgia
Shark species: Atlantic blacktip shark
Name of victim: Bronc Rice
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Fishing
Injury: Thumb bitten by hooked shark PROVOKED INCIDENT

Georgia Fisherman Bitten by Shark While Releasing Catch

On May 3, 2022, Bronc Rice was fishing from shore at Île de Saint Simon in Glynn County, Georgia, when he was bitten by a shark while attempting to remove a hook. The incident occurred in the evening at around 7:12 p.m. during an incoming tide. The surf was rough, but there were no large waves.

Rice was trying to release the shark when it suddenly bit down on his left thumb. He described the pain as some of the worst he had ever felt. As he attempted to free himself, the shark readjusted its grip and bit down again. Using a pair of pliers, he managed to pry the shark’s mouth open while keeping it still by holding it upside down. After the ordeal, he felt lightheaded and showed signs of shock but recovered after sitting down and drinking a beer.

Rice sustained 16 puncture wounds to his left thumb, with one bite hitting a vein. The shark was identified as an Atlantic blacktip (Carcharhinus limbatus). Since the shark was hooked before the bite occurred, the incident is classified as provoked.

Map showing shark attack location and nearby incidents

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Atlantic blacktip shark Atlantic Blacktip shark


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