Shark attack at Port Hedland, Western Australia, Australia

Shark attack details: Port Hedland, Western Australia, 07-Oct-22
Date of attack: October 7th 2022
Location: Port Hedland, Western Australia
Shark species: Bull shark
Name of victim: Robbie Peck
Age of victim: 38 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Spearfishing
Injury: Multiple injuries to left shoulder, arm and hand

Spearfisher Seriously Injured in Shark Attack off Western Australia

On October 7, 2022, 38-year-old Robbie Peck was spearfishing off Port Hedland, Western Australia, when he was attacked by a bull shark in 13 meters of water. The attack occurred around 11:30 a.m., approximately 11 kilometers from shore.

Peck had just speared a fish when the shark struck, biting his shoulder, elbow, and hand. He struggled to fight off the shark but suffered severe injuries. His brother-in-law pulled him onto their boat and rushed him to shore. Upon arrival, police, paramedics, and friends assisted in transporting him to Hedland Health Campus. He was then airlifted to Royal Perth Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery.

Western Australia’s Department of Primary Industries later confirmed the attack involved a bull shark.

Map showing shark attack location and nearby incidents

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  • Bondi (7)
  • Thursday Island (7)
  • Great Barrier Reef (7)