Shark attack at 26 nautical miles out to sea off Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia

Shark attack details: 26 nautical miles out to sea off Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, 21-Apr-2002
Date of attack: April 21st 2002
Location: 26 nautical miles out to sea off Lake Macquarie, New South Wales
Shark species: 3 m [10'], 368 kg [811-lb] Tiger shark
Name of victim: Mr. Kang Suk Lee
Age of victim: 52 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Fishing (Drowned 2-Apr-2002)
Injury: Drowned, his remains were found in a shark

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Map showing shark attack location and nearby incidents

Nearby shark attacks

3 m [10'], 368 kg [811-lb] tiger shark 3 m [10'], 368 kg [811-lb] Tiger shark


Attacks by region

Attacks by location

  • Sydney (10)
  • Sydney Harbor (10)
  • Brisbane River (9)
  • Near Thursday Island (9)
  • Newcastle (8)
  • Moreton Bay (8)
  • Bondi (7)
  • Thursday Island (7)
  • Great Barrier Reef (7)
  • Brisbane (7)