Shark attack at Royal Perth Yacht Club, Swan River, Western Australia, Australia

Shark attack details: Royal Perth Yacht Club, Swan River, Western Australia, 20-May-22
Date of attack: May 20th 2022
Location: Royal Perth Yacht Club, Swan River, Western Australia
Shark species: Bull shark
Name of victim: Bailey Haffner
Age of victim: 20 years old
Sex of victim: M
Activity: Diving
Injury: No Injury

Diver Knocked by Bull Shark in Swan River, Western Australia

On May 20, 2022, 20-year-old Bailey Haffner was cleaning the hull of a boat near the Royal Perth Yacht Club in the Swan River, Western Australia, when he was struck by a bull shark. Haffner described the impact as a forceful "thump" that knocked him off balance. The encounter happened suddenly, and he quickly scrambled onto a nearby jetty.

The incident left Haffner shaken but uninjured. Bull sharks are known to inhabit the Swan River, and similar encounters have occurred in the area before. Local authorities continue to monitor shark activity, emphasizing the species' ability to thrive in both saltwater and freshwater environments.

Map showing shark attack location and nearby incidents

Nearby shark attacks

Bull shark Bull shark


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  • Bondi (7)
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